Wednesday, 26 March 2014


What in stats have you improved on?

In stats I have improved on my graph knowledge.

The areas of stats you still need to work on.

I still need to work on angles and pie graphs.

The things that helped you learn?

The main thing that helped me learn was the math sheets that we got after every lesson.      

Thursday, 20 March 2014


What did you find easy?
What I found easy was the flying fox because it took no skill what so ever as long as you can hold on your all good.
What did you find most challenging?
What I found most challenging was High ropes because we had to cross over mid activity.
My Proudest moment ?
My proudest moment was when I went across the bridge on the high ropes.
Discribe your proudest moment .
My proudest moment was when I leant off the high ropes and was sent to the ground.